Local News

Ibadan Explosion: Senator Kalu calls for thorough investigation

Senator Orji Uzor Kalu who is representing Abia North Senatorial District at the National Assembly has called today for a thorough investigation into…

12 still missing in Niger boat accident, says NSEMA

Three days ago, boat accident happened in Niger state, Nigeria. Since then, 12 people are still yet to found. The Niger state Emergency Management Ag…

BREAKING: Panic as Explosion Rocks Bodija in Ibadan.

Table of Contents It's been reported that an explostion just happened in Bodija, Ibadan. There are videos already cirulating online sh…

NYSC Issues Controversial Security Advice to Corps Members: "Build Rapport with Abductors in Kidnapping Scenarios"

The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) has sparked nationwide debate with its recently issued security advisory for corps members deployed across th…

Three die in Kwara road crash

Three (3) people died while eight others were injured in a multiple accident that occurred yesterday, Monday 15 January, 2024 at Oko Olowo along the …

JAMB announced Free Registration for Persons with Disabilities in 2024 UTME

Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has announced free registration for candidates with disabilities for the upcoming 2024 Unified Tertia…

"Don’t take Tinubu for granted", Gbenga Daniel tells Nigerians

Gbanga Daniel, former Ogun State Governor and current Ogun East Senator, has cautioned Nigerians against taking President Bola Tinubu for granted. Ac…

Yoruba Leader Gani Adams Get Second Wife

Lagos, Nigeria - Photos have surfaced online, revealing the marriage ceremony of Aare Onakakanfo of Yorubaland, Gani Adams, to an ex-beauty queen fro…

Nigeria Proposes Transferring Power Utilities to State Government

Lagos, Nigeria - In a move aimed at improving oversight and addressing the country's longstanding power challenges, the Nigerian government is co…

Kenyan Judge Finds Meta Not in Contempt of Court for Unpaid Content Moderators

NAIROBI, Kenya - December 7, 2023 - A Kenyan judge ruled today that Facebook parent company Meta was not in contempt of court for failing to pay doz…
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