How to Activate Spotify Bonus on Airtel

Here's everything you need to know about Spotify Bonus on Airtel Network in Nigeria.
Spotify Data Bonus on Airtel

Activating/Using Spotify Bonus on Airtel is a simple step ahead of you. Exploring this article to the end will help you discover the trick backing the Spotify and Airtel coactions. In other words, we'll walk you through the process of activating Spotify Bonus on your Airtel SIM card.


Two years ago, Airtel Nigeria joined force with Spotify to offer data bonuses for streamers to access unlimited local and foreign music and podcast content on the digital streaming app. The partnership between the two companies is still existing, meaning that you can still access Spotify Data Bonus on your Airtel Network.

What is Spotify Data Bonus?

Spotify Data Bonus is an initiative offered by the mobile network operator Airtel, in partnership with Spotify, that provides customers with additional data specifically for streaming music on the Spotify platform.


This means that when you subscribe to certain Airtel data plans, you will receive a bonus amount of data that you can use exclusively for listening to music on Spotify.

The Spotify Data Bonus is available to all Airtel customers in Nigeria who subscribe to eligible data plans. These plans typically include weekly and monthly data bundles. However, you must have a Spotify account, either free account or premium account to access the Bonus Data on Airtel.

Airtel Spotify's Data Bonus

Airtel also made it cleared that subscribers who buy the weekly and monthly data bundles will receive complimentary data bonuses to stream music and podcast unlimitedly on Spotify, without having to worry about additional data costs.


The amount of Spotify Data Bonus you receive will depend on the specific data plan you subscribe to. For example, a N2000 data purchase for a month might offer 7GB of additional data just for Spotify.

One subscriber took to popular forum in Nigeria to get support on how to use his Spotify's data bonuses that are available on his Airtel balance. On his demands, he review his Spotify's data bonuses and ask people to teach him how to use it.

Spotify Data Bonuses on Airtel Network

On discovery, the Spotify's data bonuses was pilled up by subscription to eligible data plan. For reward, Airtel Nigeria blessed subscribers with Spotify data bonuses. These data bonuses can be used stream contents on the streaming service without additional data cost.


How to Use Spotify Bonus Data on Airtel

Once you have subscribed to an eligible data plan, the Spotify Data Bonus will be automatically activated and credited to your Airtel data balance.

You can then use this bonus data to stream music on the Spotify app without it deducting from your regular data allowance.


You can monitor your Spotify Data Bonus usage through the Airtel app or by dialing *323# USSD code.

More Details about Spotify's Data Bonus on Airtel

As part of the benefits the partnership offers; it allows you to stream more music on Spotify without worrying about data usage. It also helps you save money on your mobile data bill and encourages you to explore and discover new music on Spotify.


However, the bonus data is valid for the duration of your data plan. Meaning that, any unused Spotify Data Bonus will expire at the end of your plan period.

Additionally, the Spotify Data Bonus can only be used for streaming music on the official Spotify app. It cannot be used for other data-intensive activities such as downloading music or watching videos on other platform.


In summary, the Spotify Data Bonus is a valuable offer for Airtel customers who enjoy streaming music on Spotify. It allows you to listen to more music without worrying about data charges and can help you save money on your mobile data bill.

About the Author

Favour Okeibunor is a Software Engineer, Financial and Tech writer, blending financial expertise with storytelling skills to simplify complex Financial and technology topics for readers and clients alike.

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