Tech Explain

Introducing Vecow ICS-1000 Expandable System with GPU Acceleration Driven by an Intel® Xeon® D-2800 processor rated for servers

A group of international embedded specialists called Vecow Co., Ltd. today unveiled a server-grade platform that is highly integrated, provides im…

Leaked specifications for the Honor Magic 6 indicate that there will be a significant update to the Magic 5 Pro

The Honor 90 GT and the Honor Pad 9 tablet will be presented to the Chinese public for the first time on December 21. After the debut of these device…

How to Increase the Speed of Your Web Browser

A lot of us use a web browser, such as Apple Safari or Google Chrome , for hours every day. Long sessions can have a significant impact on daily pro…

Google Podcast is Shutting Down! Take These Actions To Save Your Playlists

For those who love podcasts and depend on Google Podcasts to stay up to date on their favorite episodes, Google just shared some depressing news -…
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