Glo is Offering Customers Discounts On Smartphones As Part Of The Green December Promotion

Globacom, a Nigerian telecommunications company, is offering exciting discounts on a variety of Samsung smartphones as part of their "Green December"
Globacom's Green December

Globacom, a provider of solutions for telecommunications communications, is enjoying the holiday season with its customers by announcing fantastic deals on smartphones, airtime, and data.

Consequently, this is the result of its collaboration with highly renowned device manufacturers. In addition to that, it is also providing free data and airtime in addition to the devices that are easily accessible.

The promotion, which is referred to as Green December, gives clients the opportunity to freely select the hand-held devices that they desire at the most reasonable prices. Furthermore, the company claimed that payments for the devices may also be spaced out in accordance with the terms and restrictions that are imposed by Globacom.

For example, the Samsung S23 FE 128+8 has been reduced from N636,000 to N599,000, while the Samsung S23 FE 256+8 has been reduced from N692,000 to N649,000. These are just two examples of the discounts that are available on different Samsung products. Similarly, the Samsung A24 128+4 has been cut from N266,200 to N225,000, the Samsung A24 128+6 has been discounted from N283,300 to N250,000, and the Samsung A04e 32+3 has been decreased from N95,000 to N90,000.

From N105,000 to N100,000, the Samsung A04e 64+3 is now available; the Samsung A34 126+6 is now available for N350,000, down from N388,000; the Samsung A54 128+8 has been reduced from N493,000 to N450,000; and the Samsung A54 256+8 has been reduced from N529,000 to N480,000.

In a similar vein, consumers will receive a data bonus of up to 18 GB applicable to each of their selected devices for a period of six months. These price reductions are only applicable when clients make their purchases at Gloworld outlets across the country.

Consumers can also purchase the original iTel A70 and other devices from the Gloworld shops, where they can also learn more about financing options for the devices and after-sale service.

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